K3 children must be three (3) years old, K4 children must be four (4) years old, Kindergarten children must be five (5) years old, and first grade children must be six (6) years old on or before September 1st in the year he / she proposes to enter school.
The procedures for admission of underage children are as follows:
A child whose birthday falls prior to October 1st but after September 1st may apply for early admission into the age appropriate grade level of K4, K5, or 1st grade. The procedures for admission of underage children are as follows:
The parent applies to the principal. An interview is held to determine reasons for requesting early admission to first grade or kindergarten.
If the school has determined by local policy that they will accept such candidates, a locally devised screen and / or assessment program shall be used to further determine the school readiness of the candidates.
The principal informs the parent of the acceptance or denial of enrollment decision.
Admission to first grade or kindergarten is considered to be on a trial basis. If within a reasonable period of time the child does not adjust to the school situation, the principal may request that the parents withdraw the child and enroll him / her at the regular age.
In order that SJV School can continue the teaching of the full Christian message and maintain quality education, the School Board Admission Policy shall be followed. Saint John Vianney School is non-discriminatory in its admission policies and admits students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin (5110).
The following priorities will be used to determine admission of students into any given class of St. John Vianney School:
Children whose parents are registered members of Saint John Vianney Parish and who have siblings that are enrolled in Saint John Vianney School. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order:
The date of enrollment of the family in Saint John Vianney Parish.
The first date of enrollment in Saint John Vianney School of any sibling of that child.
Children whose parents are registered members of Saint John Vianney Parish. Where there is more than one child whose family falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order:
The date of enrollment of the family in Saint John Vianney Parish.
The date of receipt in the School Office of the family’s Saint John Vianney Request for School Registration form.
Children of Saint John Vianney School teachers, staff and Saint John Vianney Parish staff. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined by the Parish / School employee’s most recent start date of employment.
Children whose parents are not registered members of Saint John Vianney Parish. Where there is more than one child that falls into this category, priority among those children will be determined in the following order:
Children who are the grandchildren of registered members of Saint John Vianney Parish.
Children of Saint John Vianney School alumnae.
Children of families who are registered members of other Catholic Parishes.
Children of families who do not fit into one of the previous categories.
Parents or legal guardians who are given verbal or written notification of an opening for their child / children in the enrollment of Saint John Vianney School shall be given seven (7) days to respond to the offer of enrollment. Failure to respond in the seven (7) days to the notification of an opening in the enrollment of SJV will constitute a refusal of that opening. Parents will be given the option, after the refusal of an opening, to leave their name on the waiting list for enrollment or to have it removed. Refusal of an opening will not affect the priority of a family as determined by the criteria of this policy.
Following an academic assessment determined by the School Administration, students who enter Saint John Vianney School from a home school program shall be placed at the appropriate grade level. The decision of the School Administration is final.
All students shall be subject to a period of continued admittance review Admittance (the “Review”) during the first semester following their admission to Saint John Vianney School. At any time thereafter, the School Administration may determine, in its sole discretion, to place a student on an indefinite period of Review based on the demonstrated academic or behavioral needs of such student (the “Needs”). The School Administration shall notify in writing the parent(s) or guardian(s) of any student placed on Review of such decision. During any period of Review, the School Administration shall determine whether or not Saint John Vianney School can meet the Needs of the student. If the School Administration determines, in its sole discretion, that Saint John Vianney School is not able to meet the Needs of a student who is on Review, then the School Administration will inform the parent(s) or guardian(s) of such student that he or she will not be invited back to attend Saint John Vianney School following the end of the then current school quarter or any subsequent period. The decision of the School Administration shall be final.Once admission has been granted, the parents must submit the following:
Evidence of Date of Birth A legal birth certificate (copies not accepted) or other authentic proof of a student’s age must be presented prior to a student’s initial entry into any grade level.
Evidence of Physical Exam All Health Information must be listed on the emergency form and submitted prior to a student’s initial entrance. The emergency form will be provided in the annual summer packet or can be obtained through the school office.
Home Language Survey A Home Language Survey form will be provided in the registration packet or can be obtained through the school office.
Baptismal Certificate A baptismal certificate must be submitted by baptized Catholic students not baptized at St. John Vianney Parish prior to the student’s entry into any grade level.
Transfer Students A student transferring to SJV must present the most recent report card or legally valid equivalent grade record as evidence of achievement in the school last attended. Transfers not due to change of address, will be investigated by the principal. Upon receiving satisfactory reasons for the transfer, the student may then be formally enrolled. All transferring students are probationary for the first semester they attend SJV. The probationary period is for the purpose of determining if SJV’s educational program can meet the needs of the transferred student.
Parental permission is no longer required when records are requested by authorized school personnel. (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Federal Register, PL94-142, Ch. 34, Park 99.31).
School Registration Annual school registration occurs in late fall / early winter of each year for returning students and in early spring for new students. Tuition payments must be current to register for the next school term. Registration fees vary annually.