The Before & After Care Program is designed to offer safe, quality after school care for Saint John Vianney School students in K3 through 8th grade.
The Before School Care program is available to families from 7:00-7:45am. The After School Care program is available to families from 3:00 – 5:45pm. Before & After Care is closed on days when school is not in session, including holidays, and for emergency closings such as snow days.
$47.50 per year, per student
Daily Fees for After Care
$6.50 per hour
Snack fee $0.50 per day, billed at the end of the month
1 hour minimum charge, then billed in 1/4 hour increments
10% discount for second, third, etc. child.
Daily Fees for Before Care
Other Fees
If you are unable to use reserved time, notify the After Care Program at 262-796-3942 as soon as possible. There is no refund for time scheduled / not used.
Monthly bills are emailed and payment expected in the school office by the end of the month.