Saint John Vianney School utilizes Go-Rite Way for students residing in sections of the Elmbrook School District and First Student Waukesha for students residing in sections of the Waukesha School District.
Families living within these boundaries and in the city of Brookfield, are eligible for bus transportation. Families living outside these boundaries may form carpools. Contact the school secretary if you are interested in a list of school families living in or near your neighborhood.
Descripton of attendance area boundaries:
North (West to East)
East of the Canadian Pacific Railroad tracks from Hwy F to Springdale Road. North on Springdale Road to N3100. East on N3100 to Burleigh Road. East on Burleigh Road to Pilgrim Road.
East (East to West)
Pilgrim Road and Pilgrim Parkway from Burleigh Blvd. on the north to Greenfield Avenue on the south.
South (East to West)
Greenfield Avenue from S. Moorland Road on the East to Barker Road on the west.
West (South to North)
Barker Road from Greenfield Avenue on the south to I-94. West on I-94 to Hwy F. North on F to the Canadian Pacific Railroad Tracks.