As people of God, caring for ourselves is a crucial part of valuing the gift of life. We value our own well-being so that we may fully share our gifts with others. We do this best when we build a strong foundation of our own personal health, wellness and happiness. We reach out for help when we need it and share the joys and troubles of life with others throughout our journey. Below you will find groups that help ease life difficulties and celebrate the joys as well.
Many parishioners participate as members who minister to these programs. It is important to remember that the following groups and services are also here to serve you as recipients as well.
Join fellow parishioners and guests on the 2nd Sunday of the month, September through May, for fellowship in the Church Hall after the 7:30, 9 and 11 AM Masses. Hot coffee, fresh donuts and juice are provided. Free-will offering accepted.
Special thanks to Leni & Darren Kahler and Heather Zgonc for organizing the social each month.
Faith Seeking Healing
Any parish member or guest in need of prayer healing is welcome to be prayed over. “Faith, Seeking, Healing” Prayer is for anyone who is sick or in pain from physical, emotional, or spiritual distress. There are no other requirements. Prayer takes place on Thursdays at Saint John Vianney Church at 7:45 AM following the daily 7:00 AM Mass.
Praying for healing has been part of the Church from the very beginning. In fact, healing is the fruit of Jesus’ work and is integral and central to Christianity—a practical application of Jesus’ teaching. Healing is a sign of the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit always present, always at work.
If you wish to join this ministry, there are a series of training sessions that you are required to take before beginning the ministry. Sessions were led by parishioner Margarett Schlientz, Ph.D., starting at 9:00 AM and concluding at 12:00 PM. There is a fee for each session.
Prayer Line
Do you have special needs or intentions that you would like members of the Saint John Vianney community to pray for? The Prayer Line is confidential. However, if you would like your name to appear in the bulletin in the prayer column as well, please let Prayer Line Ministers know when you call them. If you have a special intention for which you would like prayers, please call the Prayer Line at (262) 786-8672.
Prayer Shawls
Are you facing some physical or emotional difficulty and would like a shawl to surround yourself and prayer and love to help facilitate healing?
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a ministry of compassion. Volunteers crochet or knit shawls for people who are facing some physical or emotional difficulty – at no charge. The recipients of the shawls are prayed for not only during the creation of the shawls but after, as well. This can be an enormous boost for someone facing a challenge. Please contact the Prayer Shawl Ministry leader, Shelagh Roell by phone at 262-784-3554.
Meetings in this ministry are few and optional. New volunteers should attend an initial meeting to learn more about the ministry, what is expected, and how it will function. This beautiful ministry can be done on your own time, in your own home, at your own level of skill, and at your own pace. If you are homebound and cannot attend a meeting, but are interested in this ministry, please let the leader know and she will see that you get what you need to participate. Please contact the Prayer Shawl Ministry leader, Shelagh Roell by phone at 262-784-3554 for more information on becoming a member.
Homebound Ministry
If you are a parishioner who is unable to attend Mass due to illness or physical/mental incapacities but would like to celebrate Mass, we can arrange for a Homebound Minister visit. Homebound ministers have the privilege of taking our Lord, present in the Eucharist to homebound members of our church, letting them know they are loved and being prayed for.
If you know a parishioner who is unable to attend Mass and would like to have Communion, or you would like to become a Homebound Minister, contact Helen Fliss at (262) 860-0945.
Becoming a Homebound Minister
Hospital or home visits, phone calls, and respite care help homebound members know they are not forgotten. Homebound ministers have the privilege of taking our Lord, present in the Eucharist to homebound members of our church, letting them know they are loved and being prayed for. At Saint John Vianney Parish, nearly 40 homebound ministers take Eucharist each weekend to parishioners in the area. If you would like to become a Homebound Minister, contact Helen Fliss at (262) 860-0945.
Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief. - Psalm 31:8-10
Grief ministers want to ensure that members of our faith community do not grieve alone. To this end, our caring ministers provide support in the way of a phone call, cards at anniversaries, or a personal visit, if necessary. The level of support depends entirely on the needs of the individual.
We also offer several programs throughout the year including:
If you have experienced grief or assisted someone dealing with grief, you may consider becoming a Grief Minister. Your experience won’t exactly make you an expert, but you understand what helps to offer comfort and support to others who are now going through what you did in your own life. As a Grief Minister, you are enriched with an experience of standing in the place of Christ, offering healing to others and a sign of hope for their own recovery. Training is available and required.
For more information, contact Mariann Van Winkle at [email protected]
For Caregivers
Are you currently an active caregiver or researching caregiving options for a loved one? The Caregiver Support Group is a welcoming group of men and women who have experienced caregiving through every stage and for many illnesses. They meet to encourage and support fellow parish members who are now going through this life change.
I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much. - Mother Teresa
Gatherings include sharing experiences, helpful tips, and resources for individuals newly diagnosed. The group is perfect for individuals who don’t have family and friends nearby for support and are looking for connections. The group offers laughter, friendship, and fellowship. Members also provide socialization for caregivers during hospice and support widows and widowers through grieving and beyond.
Gatherings are casual, come-if-you-can social outings for caregivers. The group is relaxed, social, and meet “just for coffee.” Come for a cup of coffee, stay for the conversation. The group generally meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Panera Restaurant in the Ruby Isle Shopping Center (North Avenue and Calhoun Road in Brookfield) from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM. Please check the parish calendar to verify current meetings or contact Lynn Jacoby at (262) 792-1225 for information on the next gathering.
Childbirth: Pregnancy, Infertility, or Loss of a Child
The Elizabeth Ministry offers support to families in special times of parenthood from the joys, trials, and sorrows of the childbearing years and beyond.
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. - Luke 1:39-41
We, the women of the parish, are here to share stories, spend time and serve those in need. We follow the example of Mary and Elizabeth as they supported one another during their pregnancies.
Elizabeth Ministry can help with the following situations:
Single Again
Single Again is a quad-parish support group for those in the process of divorce (separated) and beyond. It is open to men and women. It is free and does not require registration. Single Again offers an opportunity to learn, find support, and make new friends—all leading to healing.
They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the LORD was my support. - 2 Samuel 22:18–20
Guests are welcome. The group generally meets twice a month on Thursday evenings. Please check the Saint John Vianney calendar for upcoming meeting days and times or contact the SJV Director of Human Concerns.
Topics discussed at past Single Again meetings:
Grace Within
The Grace Within group gathers women together in a network of mutual spiritual support. The members of Grace Within share the experience of learning, praying, and ministering to each other. It provides members with opportunities for Personal and spiritual growth in a faith-sharing group and increasing communication skills and the use of prayer at home
The Grace Within program is especially helpful for stay-at-home or working moms with newborns, toddlers, and preschoolers. For more information on this ministry, please contact Heather Druley at (262) 893-8262.
Firm Believers
Saint John Vianney offers a unique exercise program called Firm Believers. This exercise group offers dance aerobics, integrated therapeutic movement, and Zumba in a fun format with mostly Christian music. Firm Believers is open to men and women and can be adapted to any ability level.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body. - 1 Corinthians 6:19–20
Firm Believers meets in the Church Hall (in the basement beneath the church), Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Aerobics
Tuesdays and Fridays: Integrated Therapeutic Movement
Thursdays: Zumba
The cost for a month is $25, which entitles you to attend as many times as you wish. Firm Believers is a fun and rewarding way to work exercise into your routine. Come and see. One trial session per person is free.
Contact Debbie Strachota or just come to a class for more information. New members are always welcome.
Student Athletics
Athletics is an active component of parish life at Saint John Vianney, bringing together children from SJV Parish School and our Christian Formation program in 5th through 8th grades.
While volleyball, basketball, and track are the 3 main sports, the Athletic Committee has approved SJV’s participation in tennis. For more information on student athletics, visit the SJV Athletics website.