In addition to the Archdiocese School Curriculum and Extracurricular Activities, SJV provides the following specialized areas to help students reach their full potential.
All students grades K3 through 8 receive art instruction. Students participate in art instruction that teaches age-appropriate, specific artistic skills, as well as create projects, drawings, sculptures, etcetera.
Field Trips
Class visits to places of cultural or educational significance give enrichment to the lessons of the classroom. Field trips and community service shall provide learning activities related to the curriculum, meeting educational objectives and goals of the school. (Also see Field Trip Policy in the School Handbook.)
All students in grades K3 through 8 receive general music instruction. Instruction includes exposure to music genres, music notation as well as vocal and instrumental performance skills. All children in grades K3 through 5 sing in the annual Christmas Concert.
Physical Education
All students in grades K3 through 8 receive physical education classes in accordance with the required stated requirements. Students will not be excused from physical education classes unless they present a doctor’s excuse or a parental/guardian excuse signed by the principal.
Required wear:
All students (K4 through grade 8) must keep clean tennis shoes for use on the gym floor. Slip-on shoes are not acceptable.
Intermediate and Middle School students must wear the required gym uniform.
Reading Specialist
The Reading Specialist works in collaboration with the classroom teachers and team teaches in the classrooms to offer differentiated literacy instruction. The reading specialist will work with smalls groups of students to support their learning, while the classroom teacher provides on-grade-level and enrichment to the other students. The Reading Specialist will also monitor student data to determine which students would benefit from small group or individualized instruction, deliver tier II instruction, monitor student goals based on assessment date, and plan for student learning accommodations.
Learning Resource Teacher
The Learning Resource Teacher strives to meet the differentiated needs of the students by supporting and supplementing classroom instruction.
The primary purpose of a Catholic school is to incorporate religion into the core of the curriculum. The SJV religion program reflects the authentic spirit of the Second Vatican Council which is incorporated into the religion teachings of the school. The teachings of the Church are reflected in the General Catechetical Directory; To Teach as Jesus Did, and the Basic Teachings for Catholic Religious Education. The current religion curriculum is a Grade Specific Religion Curriculum that is approved by the Archbishop of the Milwaukee Diocese which seeks to present our faith through doctrine, Church tradition, worship, sacramental experience and Christian action dimensions.
All students of SJV are required to participate fully in religion classes and lessons.
Students plan and participate in the Liturgy on a regular basis.
The influence of every teacher’s positive example and dedicated service combined with methodology serve as Christian guidelines for the students.
The role of the priest in the school is to be first a pastor and shepherd of the children. Primary attention is given to the celebration of the Liturgy and sacramentsStudents of religions other than Catholicism are encouraged to share their particular religious beliefs in order to expand appreciation and understanding of other faith denominations.
Students of religions other than Catholicism are encouraged to share their particular religious beliefs in order to expand appreciation and understanding of other faith denominations.